Athena Weekly Video Blog


Written by Athena Captain | Aug 12, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong, even when there's no logical reason for it? You're not alone. We all experience moments of self-sabotage, those times when we feel off, doubtful, or unable to believe in ourselves. But here's the thing: together, we can overcome it.


Here are three steps to help you break free from self-sabotage and reclaim your power:

  1. Identify the Triggers: Self-sabotage often stems from emotional triggers. Take a moment to reflect on what may have sparked these feelings. By understanding the root cause, you can begin to address and overcome them. Whether it's fear of failure, feelings of inadequacy, or something else entirely, acknowledging the trigger is the first step towards liberation.

  2. Seek Support: You don't have to navigate the journey alone. Reach out to your support network – friends, family, mentors, or even a coach – for guidance and encouragement. Don't fall into the trap of isolating yourself; instead, lean on others for support. I've learned firsthand the importance of calling in reinforcements during moments of self-doubt. Trust me; it can make all the difference.

  3. Change Your Perspective: Sometimes, a change of scenery is all it takes to shift your mindset. Take a walk, step outside, or simply move to a different room. Surround yourself with reminders of your past successes and achievements. Pull out your success journal and revisit moments when you overcame challenges. Remind yourself of your strength, resilience, and capability.

Remember, self-sabotage doesn't define you. It's a temporary hurdle on the path to growth and empowerment. By identifying triggers, seeking support, and changing your perspective, you can break free from self-sabotage and step into your full potential.

Together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.